Lucid Dreaming Day 12 April

Conversazioni generiche su tutto ciò che è inerente ai sogni lucidi: dinamiche al loro interno, funzionamento, personaggi onirici, ambientazioni, e considerazioni varie sull'argomento.
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Taking a Moment to Honor a Great Moment in Lucid Dreaming History:
The scientific evidence for lucid dreaming normally starts with the work of Keith Hearne, PhD at the University of Hull (UK) in April 12 1975. Hearne hypothesized that a dreamer could become lucidly aware in a dream and possibly ‘signal’ his awareness by moving his eyes left to right a predetermined number of times to provide evidence for being consciously aware in the dream state.

Working in the sleep lab with the talented lucid dreamer, Alan Worsley, Hearne captured this eye-signal verification evidence in April 1975 on the rapid eye movement polygraph readout. Separately, Stephen LaBerge, using himself as the lucid dreaming subject in the Stanford sleep lab, captured his first lucid eye-signals in Feb. 1978.

Looking back at that first scientifically acceptable evidence, Keith Hearne said, “It was like getting signals from another world. Philosophically, scientifically, it was mind blowing.”

So when did you have your first lucid dream?
... -mi dica un ultima cosa.E' vero?O sta succedendo dentro la mia testa?-
-Certo sta accadendo dentro la tua testa, Harry.Ma perchè dovrebbe voler dire che non è vero?- (Harry Potter)

Si dice che per soppravivere qui bisogna essere matti come un cappellaio.E per lo sono. (Alice in Wonderland)

WILD=1 (forse) MILD= circa una dozzina